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Accounts Payable Invoice Payment Optimization and Automation

By June 4, 2024Uncategorized


Accounts Payable Invoice Payment Optimization and Automation

Leading Industrial Manufacturer realizes global invoice payment and processing through OpenText Intelligent Capture and VIM for SAP


Improved invoice processing time


Enabled greater visibility of vendor invoices across 11 global locations

Business Challenge

  • Accounts payable processing for vendor invoices was different at each location​
  • Lacked visibility into vendor invoices across all AP departments​
  • Problematic reporting capabilities caused data gaps and resulted in delayed payments for the organization​
  • Manual entry of paper invoice data required longer processing time and additional resources for invoices to be paid on time​
  • The company was moving to AP S/4HANA and the project work needed to align with that timeline


  • Implemented Intelligent Capture (Captiva) for SAP by OpenText to ingest invoices and digitally capture data for processing using advanced OCR capabilities​
  • Deployed OpenText Vendor Invoice Management (VIM) for SAP to process invoices and automate resolution routing​
  • Implemented the solution in a phased approach along with the deployment of S4/HANA to ensure no disruption to the client’s business​
  • Delivered global reporting and analysis capabilities to all AP departments

Benefits & ROI

  • Improved vendor invoice submission and processing rate by 60%+ through the use of a clear, simple and unified processing solution​
  • Enabled greater visibility of vendor invoices throughout all 11 global locations​
  • Improved ingestion of invoices and validation of data through automation and OCR capabilities leading to reduced errors and faster processing​
  • Enhanced tracking and auditing leveraging global reporting and analysis capabilities​
  • Improved reporting and analysis by providing global capabilities across the entire organization, enabling continuous improvement capabilities for the AP teams​
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